Meet Amanda

I'm Amanda, founder and creator of Heartbeet Kitchen. I'm a home cook, just like you, who particularly loves baking sourdough bread and dishing up modern, gluten-free food. Besides recipes and kitchen tips, you’ll also see renovations of our 1908 Wisconsin home, and our travel adventures.


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Ready to start baking sourdough?

You can buy my mature sourdough starter (wild yeast) that has been lovingly cared for and fed for over 10 years with instructions on how to feed and maintain your starter.

Sourdough Recipes

Learn To Make

Pink Moon Milk

Delicious Everyday Sourdough Bread

This straightforward sourdough bread recipe is a staple in our house. Made with sourdough starter, this naturally fermented bread has a fluffy, airy interior and crackly crisp crust. All the steps of making the bread are detailed out, as well as sourdough tips for beginners.