10 Best AIP Snacks

By Amanda Paa – Updated January 7, 2023
This list of the top 10 AIP Snacks make on-the-go eating and traveling easier! All can be bought at the grocery store and are Autoimmune Protocol and paleo approved. For people with autoimmune diseases the autoimmune protocol diet may identify and eliminate individual foods that trigger symptoms like inflammation.

What is the Auto-Immune Protocol?

The Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) is a way of eating that aims to reduce inflammation, pain, and other symptoms caused by autoimmune diseases. The AIP diet resembles the paleo diet but also eliminates nut, seeds, and nightshade vegetables.

It’s no secret that any time you change how you’re eating, it takes planning and commitment. For me, the biggest adjustment following the Autoimmune Protocol has been adding meat to almost all of my meals and completely removing grains, which both I got used to fairly quick. But having things to eat for on-the-go days or traveling has been a different story. Nuts, gluten-free crackers, protein bars, and overnight oats were always my essentials.

Lots of researching, label reading and taste testing resulted in finding the 10 Best AIP snacks you’ll love regardless of how you eat. You’re looking at real food, free of preservatives and made with simple ingredients.

What makes these 10 products the best AIP snacks. 

You can also check out my collection of AIP approved recipes that you can make at home.

1. Bare Simply Cinnamon Organic Apple Chips: the crunch, the cinnamon, the natural sweetness are to die for. They’re baked, not fried and are a good cure for a sweet tooth. I also add them to salads as “croutons”.

2. Dang Lightly Salted Toasted Coconut Chips: it’s hard for me to resist a savory sweet combo, and I find myself sneaking a handful of these when I’m craving either. They have no added sugar, and are another crunchy snack I love.

3. Citrus! Any and all kinds. They don’t need to be refrigerated and their skin protects them from bruising while you’re traveling. And maybe it’s just me, but their fresh, fruity smell usually brings me a sense of happiness.

4. Epic Cranberry Bacon Bison Bars: It’s not easy to find a “jerky” type product that fits within AIP guidelines because many of them aren’t grassfed & have preservatives. Or they have nightshade spices for flavoring (black pepper, cumin, chili pepper). But these bacon bison bars fit all criteria and so so tasty. No nitrates, and they aren’t dry and tough.

5. Organic Gemini Raw Tigernuts: Almonds, pecans, cashews – they really were my favorite snack and I’m hopeful that I can reintroduce them. But for now, I’m happily enjoying raw tigernuts, which is actually a root vegetable. They’re similar in taste to a cashew, slightly sweet and nutty, although they don’t have the creamy texture.

6. Nutiva Coconut Manna (a.k.a. Coconut Butter): If you read my post & have made these Coconut Butter Stuffed Dates, you know my love for this creamy, nutrient rich fat source runs deep. Just like a scoop of peanut butter always made any day better, coconut butter does that too. I bring it along in a little mason jar and pack a few dates, and boom – instant AIP dessert.

Best AIP Snacks: Traditional Medicinals Tea

7. Traditional Medicinals Organic Tea: Truth be told, I miss toting around a mug of coffee, but I’ve really come to appreciate the health benefits of tea. My two favorites are peppermint (acts as a calming, digestion aid) and hibiscus (tart & tangy, an awakener). I am thankful for the sourcing and sustainability of the tea that Traditional Medicinals works so hard to bring us.

8. Sunfood Coconut Wraps: I have longed to have something sandwiched or wrapped, it’s a texture craving thing. I was so happy to find these raw & vegan coconut wraps, that bend easily and are a great portable vehicle for whatever filling you like. They don’t need to be refrigerated either.

10 Best AIP Snacks ~ Sunfood Coconut Wraps (raw, paleo, vegan)

9. Wild Planet Sardines: This one took me a few tries to warm up to, but they are such an amazing source of omega fats and protein. These sardines are wild caught, and marinated in olive oil and lemon, so the flavor is really nice. Eat them plain, toss them on a salad while you’re traveling, or put them in one of the coconut wraps.

10. Jackson’s Honest Sweet Potato Chips: I saved the best for last people. These chips, made with coconut oil, are a little gift of nature’s heaven. No other company makes a preservative free chip using coconut, avocado or olive oil, the only ones that follow the AIP protocol. The orange spuds are perfectly crisp and crunchy, with just the right amount of salt.

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April 12, 2015


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  1. Jodi

    Sadly, the EPIC bison bars now have brown sugar in them. Only EPIC product I can find that is AIP compliant is the pork bites. Everything else has sugar or black pepper.

    • amandapaa

      Hi Jodi! Phoenix Helix, who is a Paleo AIP expert, does a great job explaining why the EPIC bars are still AIP compliant, even with the brown sugar. It’s because it’s used as a natural curing agent. “Is sugar-cured bacon allowed on the AIP? Yes, provided that it was cured naturally, contains no artificial ingredients and no spices beyond salt. While you can buy sugar-free bacon online, it’s often out of stock, so it’s nice to know there’s another option. Sugar’s role in the bacon curing process is to feed beneficial bacteria. There’s usually no sugar left by the time it hits your plate. That’s why if you look at the nutrition panel on a brand of natural bacon, it should say 0 grams of sugar, even though sugar is listed in the ingredient list. One more tip: uncured bacon is actually cured, but it’s cured naturally instead of with chemicals. This is why the Epic Bison Bar is AIP-approved. Your best source for natural (AIP) bacon is a health food store, as opposed to a regular grocery store.”

      She has all the information here: https://www.phoenixhelix.com/2013/05/29/paleo-autoimmune-protocol-faq/

  2. Brenda

    I’m so glad I came across this site. I have rheumatoid arthritis and was recommended this diet and I’m trying to gather as much information as possible to ensure success while on there are a few things here I want to try especially the sweet potato chips

  3. Kat

    Is there some kind of debate about celery powder? I’m of sure why, but I’ve seen it here and there but I haven’t found an explanation for it yet.

  4. Jeanette

    I have looked at the Epic Bison and Salmon bars, both of which have Brown Sugar in them, which I thought was not allowed on AIP?

  5. Brandon Eid

    La Fe Casabe (Cassava Bread) 7oz
    Hey, is this a good AIP choice?

    • amandapaa

      Yes, it is!

  6. Jeff Jarry

    is the TigerNut Raw Granola (Banana – Cacao, 1 x 8oz) also sold by Organic Gemini also ok.?

    • amandapaa

      hi jeff! their raw granola is paleo, but not AIP. it has seeds in it, which are not on the list of foods you can eat while on the autoimmune protocol.

      • Jeff Jarry

        thank you very much!

  7. Sue

    Hello I a new to the AIP, I have been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arth, and am refusing the traditional medications, I am also a RN and many time just getting to go to the bathroom is a treat, let alone trying to conceal snacks in your pocket to eat on the run for 12 hour shifts. Any suggestions for “pocket snacks”?

    • amandapaa

      Hi Sue! The epic bars shown above definitely fit in a pocket, and they’re great for needing fuel like you would for a long shift.

  8. Justin

    Can these be found in any grocery store?

    • Amanda Paa

      Most of them yes – but if not, then Amazon has all!

      • Justin

        Thanks, I actually just came from Sprouts and purchased most of these! Thanks for the article!

  9. Tanya Elias-Graf

    How can the Epic Bison Bacon Cranberry bars be AIP Paleo if the bacon in them contains brown sugar?

    Important Information

    Bison, Uncured Bacon- – No Nitrates Added (Pork, Water, Brown Sugar, Salt, Vinegar, Celery Powder, Sea Salt), Dried Cranberries (Cranberries, Apple Juice Concentrate), Lactic Acid (Not from milk), Celery Powder, Sea Salt.

    • Amanda Paa

      Hi Tanya! Great question, and I had the same one. Phoenix Helix, one of the leading advocates for AIP explains it in this post, and halfway down: http://www.phoenixhelix.com/2013/05/29/paleo-autoimmune-protocol-faq/
      “Is sugar-cured bacon allowed on the AIP? Yes, provided that it was cured naturally, contains no artificial ingredients and no spices beyond salt. While you can buy sugar-free bacon online, it’s often out of stock, so it’s nice to know there’s another option. Sugar’s role in the bacon curing process is to feed beneficial bacteria. There’s usually no sugar left by the time it hits your plate. That’s why if you look at the nutrition panel on a brand of natural bacon, it should say 0 grams of sugar, even though sugar is listed in the ingredient list. One more tip: uncured bacon is actually cured, but it’s cured naturally instead of with chemicals. This is why the Epic Bison Bar is AIP-approved. Your best source for natural (AIP) bacon is a health food store, as opposed to a regular grocery store.”

  10. Juano

    i am just starting the AIP I found out a few months ago that I have Hasimoto are the wraps alright to use do they not have flour in them.

    • Amanda Paa

      Hello! The wraps only have coconut meat, salt and coconut oil in them, no flour.

  11. Rachel R.

    Thank you! It’s been making me crazy not having anything I can just GRAB and eat. Every time I want a snack it’s a whole huge production. I will definitely be checking these out! (I’ve had the apple chips before, but not heard of any of the others. Well, except citrus. lol)

    Also, for anyone who might not be concerned about being PERFECT with their AIP, Rt. 11 Potato Chips makes a sweet potato chip that’s nothing but sweet potatoes, RealSalt, and oil — but it’s sunflower oil. So if that little bit of oil is tolerable for someone, it’s just another option to throw into the mix. :)

    • Amanda Paa

      Hi Rachel! Gosh, the grab and eat problem is exactly what I face too. It can be so hard, and then the hangry feelings start to come out :)

      I am definitely going to check out the Rt 11 Sweet Potato Chip when as soon as I reintroduce seeds (since made from sunflower oil) – always good to have options!

  12. Cierra

    Thanks for this post! I’m about to start my AIP journey to hopefully help my fibromyalgia since nothing else has.

    • Amanda Paa

      oh i hope healing comes your way – thanks for stopping by!

  13. Kemper

    Thanks for all the great snack ideas! I have tried a few of these items. I use Paleo Wraps (www.paleowraps.com) and they are awesome. My husband will love the sardines. He just started on the Paleo journey. Thanks again.

    • Amanda Paa

      I’ll have to check those wraps out too! And thanks for stopping by, have a great weekend.

  14. Leslie Stryker

    Everything looks so good and fresh ! Coconut wraps and Jackson’s sweet potato chips? AIP? Thank you!!!!

    • Amanda Paa

      I know right?! I love that you can use the wraps for just about anything, sweet or savory. And the Jackon’s Honest Sweet Potato Chips made with coconut oil are seriously heaven on earth. Thanks for stopping by!

  15. Bonita

    I look forward to trying these AIP foods :-)

    • Amanda Paa

      Yay! They’re all so good, make opening up your snack drawer a lot more fun :)

  16. andrea

    thank you so much for introducing these fabulous products! Looking forward to tryjng them.

    • Amanda Paa

      so glad to help andrea, thanks for stopping by!

  17. Annie @Maebells

    Oh wow!! These look so good!

  18. Shelley @ Two Healthy Kitchens

    Healthy snacking is always so hard when you’re on the go, but especially when you have dietary restrictions or are following a new eating protocol. This is such a helpful post, full of great products to try – and it always makes me feel so much more confident in spending money on a new product when it comes recommended by a blogger that I adore and trust! :D

    • Amanda Paa

      Hi Shelley! Gosh, you said it when you talked about spending money on things that are disappointing. Hope you get to try a few of them, they really are a great addition to any pantry!

  19. sharon

    Such a great giveaway and informative post Amanda! Thank you!

    • Amanda Paa

      Of course, so glad it was helpful! Thanks for stoping by.

  20. Cynthia/What A Girl Eats

    So many great options for healthy eating Amanda!

  21. Crista

    Amanda, I can’t stop with those coconut butter stuffed dates, I can’t stop with coconut butter, period. This is an awesome giveaway, so many awesome snacks!!

    • Amanda Paa

      Sending good luck vibes to you! I know, those coconut butter stuffed dates are soooo addicting. I have one after every meal! And I’m not sorry. :) xo

  22. Deanna C.

    Thanks for offering such an amazing giveaway!

  23. Linda @ Food Huntress

    I want to try these. Great ideas for Paleo snacks.

  24. Brandon @ Kitchen Konfidence

    Coconut wraps?! Who knew! I’m officially intrigued ;)

  25. Olivia @ Olivia's Cuisine

    Awesome giveaway! I have never tried any of these products!

  26. Jenn @ Peas and Crayons

    I’ve only tried the apple and coconut chips so far and they rock! Everything looks amazing!

    • Amanda Paa

      Oh, I bet you’d love the sweet potato chips too!

  27. Sara @ Cake Over Steak

    What an awesome giveaway! I’ve never heard of a few of these things. Thanks for sharing. :-)

  28. Sarah @ SnixyKitchen

    Yay! I was just asking “what should I have on hand when Amanda comes to visit?” and then you JUST SWOOPED in with a whole post that’s basically a helpful shopping guide! Thanks!:)

    • Amanda Paa

      you don’t have to worry about that! seriously. we can make delicious meals and i’ll have these snacks packed :) xo